Sarracenia purpurea montana

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This variety of Sarracenia purpurea is native to the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. (Montana in this instance refers to the mountains, not the state.) This southern native is unique in that it has smooth thick pitchers to help it withstand cold winters in the mountains. And unlike other southern forms of purpurea, this plant maintains its pitchers into the following spring. This means you can enjoy this plant throughout the year! Look for red flowers in mid to late spring.

The variety of montana in this batch has lots of yellow hues in the pitchers.

Plants You Receive
Plants are shipped in 4-inch pots with proper growing media. Each plant is a division from select mother plants in our collection.

All cold hardy plants are grown outdoors at our nursery in Oregon and experience the changes of the seasons. Care instructions are provided.

Please watch the monthly video podcast for examples of how your plant may look at this time of the year and important growing tips for the season.

Type of Plant
Cold hardy perennial for outdoor growing.

Natural Habitat
Mountains of North Carolina.

Size of Adult Plants
6 inches tall.

Full sun, 6 or more hours of direct sunlight.

Use mineral-free water or water low in minerals (less than 50 parts per million). Keep the soil wet by setting the plant in a dish of standing water.

Use 1 part peat moss and 1 part perlite (or washed river sand). Avoid fertilizers, regular garden soil, and compost.

Growing Season
April - October. Pitchers will brown at the onset of winter dormancy.

Winter Care
Hardy of winter frost. Mulch in USDA zones 7 and colder.
Short red pitchers with hints of yellow.


  • 5
    A little heat sensitive

    Posted by Michael Milan on August 14, 2017

    This is an absolutely beautiful pitcher plant. I sunburned it at first but with some mild sunshade it has recovered and has 4 new pitchers coming on. The quality of the plant and packaging is excellent.