Sarracenia leucophylla Firebird
This plant is a true late-season grower. For most of the season, it grows spear-shaped, non-carnivorous leaves called phyllodia. You'll be scratching your head wondering if your plant will do anything at all. But, in mid-September, right before the Equinox, it sends up stunning white-top pitchers with thick red veins. By October, when the pitchers are fully mature, the plant looks like a regal bird, a Firebird. The phyllodia from early season are its plumage, and the pitchers are the head of the bird. The pitchers also hold until December, even after a series of frost and light snow. This plant is best for the patient gardener.
Type of Plant: Outdoor perennial for container growing.
Height: Up to 16 inches.
Sunlight: Full sun during the growing season.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).
Soil: Equal parts peat moss and perlite only.
Winter: Dormant. Minimal protection in USDA zones 7-9. Mulch in colder regions.
• 2nd-season division from select mother plants. (NOT a recent division.)
• Acclimated for outdoor growing.
• Shipped in a 4-inch pot. Care instructions are included.
Photos illustrate peak growth in September. Pitchers may not be present outside of peak season. See below for more information.
2nd Season Divisions
After dividing our mother plants in spring, we grow the divisions for a year before releasing them. You get a more vigorous plant with a healthier root system when compared to a recent division.
All outdoor perennials experience seasonal changes at our nursery in Oregon.
• January-March: Plant is dormant with no pitchers.
• April: Spring growth will appear by the end of the month.
• May: Early season pitchers are often thin and wispy.
• June-August: Non-carnivorous leaves may appear alongside thin pitchers.
• September: Stunning vibrant pitchers finally appear.
• October: Dormancy begins. Fewer pitchers. No new growth until spring.
• November-December: Plant is dormant. Browned pitchers are cut off.
Lovely Leucophyllas!
My plants arrived in Great shape. You guys really take the packaging to heart. They are 'taller' than I expected. Getting ready to repot them. And my 'bonus' Leucophylla Feisty Dog is really appreciated. It is a beautiful Burgundy color.