Nepenthes sanguinea, Leilani (Rooted Cutting)
We received this particular clone from Sam Estes of Leilani Nepenthes Nursery sometime around 2012. We're not certain how he acquired this specimen, but it is an extremely rare form of Nepenthes sanguinea that we haven't seen elsewhere. This particular form has mottled, reddish-brown pitchers with a yellow peristome. It tends to vine rapidly, and its upper pitchers are lightly colored, similar to the somewhat ubiquitous orange form. With good lighting, its firm waxy leaves will develop an attractive reddish-bronze hue.
Type of Plant: Tropical pitcher plant for indoor growing.
Pitcher Size: Up to 6-9 inches.
Sunlight: Bright filtered to partial sun.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).
Soil: Equal parts dried sphagnum moss and perlite only.
Temperatures: Above 70°F during the day; 55°-70°F during the night. Always protect from frost.
• Established rooted cutting, which may produce lower or upper pitchers.
• Acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a 4-inch pot. Care instructions are included.
The first photo is descriptive of the mother plant in our collection. The last photo shows established cuttings ready for new homes. Pitchers may or may not be present at the time of shipping.
Rooted Cuttings
Plants grown via rooted cutting often produce larger plants quicker than plants grown from seed or tissue culture. They are also genetically identical to its mother plant.
Love it
One of the coolest forms of sanguinea, came in perfect condition and is already making several pitchers
Came in fast and perfect condition, exactly what i expected from the photos provided :)