Nepenthes x Rokko (Kusakabe)

(1 review)

This hybrid originated in Japan in the late 1970s. Because of a change in taxonomy, it's uncertain what the actual hybrid is, but it is recorded as Nepenthes thorelii x maxima.

This plant is one of the most vigorous and adaptable hybrids in cultivation. It grows well in our highland greenhouse, and it grows well in lowland conditions, as attested by other growers. When grown in very bright sunlight, it produces very colorful pitchers. As the plant grows, you can view lower pitchers, intermediate pitchers, and upper pitchers at the same time. Give this pant lots of space because it likes to produce long vines. The fourth photo showcases this hybrid growing up a tree at Leilani Nepenthes Nursery on the Big Island.

Type of Plant: Tropical pitcher plant for indoor growing.
Pitcher Size: Up to 8 inches.
Sunlight: Bright filtered to partial sun.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).
Soil: Equal parts dried sphagnum moss and perlite only.
Temperatures: Above 70°F during the day; 55°-70°F during the night. Always protect from frost.

• Established rooted cutting, which may produce lower or upper pitchers.
• Acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a 4-inch pot. Care instructions are included.

The first photo is descriptive of the mother plant in our collection. The last photo shows established cuttings ready for new homes. Pitchers may or may not be present at the time of shipping.

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  • 5

    Posted by Robbie McDougal on April 5, 2015

    I have never been happier with a plant than the plants I've bought from you guys! They're always healthy and beautiful and turn out to be very vigorous growing plants!! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! A billion times, THANK YOU!