Nepenthes rafflesiana x trusmadiensis

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This hybrid was bred by the folks at Exotica Plants in Australia. It's a fine specimen that has the winged features of N. rafflesiana and the toothiness of N. trusmadiensis. Pitchers are beautifully colored with orange and yellow markings.

Type of Plant: Tropical pitcher plant for indoor growing.
Pitcher Size: Up to 8 inches.
Sunlight: Partial sun.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).
Soil: Equal parts dried sphagnum moss and perlite only.
Temperatures: Above 70°F during the day; 55°-70°F during the night. Always protect from frost.

• Established rooted cutting, which may produce lower or upper pitchers.
• Acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a hanging 6-inch pot. Care instructions are included.

The photos show the actual plant for sale.

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