Monthly Carnivorous Plant Care

Monthly Care Video

The nursery is located in Eagle Creek, OR.
USDA Zone 8; 45° N Latitude

Outdoor Perennials

• If you're in the southern regions of the United States (USDA zones 7, 8, and 9), your plants will start to show signs of new growth from warm spring temperatures. You might even see flower buds emerge by the end of the month.

• If you live northern regions of the United States (USDA zones 7, 8, and colder), your plants will remain dormant for at least another month. • If your plants are under mulch or in storage, you can uncover them now if you don't have any snow on the ground.

• Clip off all dead or brown leaves from the previous season.

• With Sarracenia purpurea and parrot pitchers Sarracenia psittacina, clip off only those leaves that are damaged or have excessive brown spots. Because these plants grow very slowly, they need the extra energy provided by photosynthesis. Clipping off all of their leaves on these species will severely hamper their growth during the start of their growing season.

• Repot your plants into fresh media and a larger pot if necessary. Use the a soil mix of 1 part peat moss and 1 part perlite.

• If you want to divide your rhizomes, now is the time to do so.

• Although full sun is sometimes not possible at this time of the year, place your plants in a very sunny location. Both the increase in temperature and daylight hours will trigger your plants to emerge from dormancy.

• Keep the soil moist at all times.

Tropical Plants

• Many plants enjoy this time of the year and produce more pitchers in response to the gradual increase in light intensity and warmer temperatures.

• Clip off dead foliage, especially on sundews. Fungal infections can start very quickly on dead leaves.

• Watch for pests. As spring approaches, thrips, aphids, scales and spider mites can be a problem for indoor plants. Use a preparation of Neem oil if an infestation gets out of control. Always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

• If necessary, repot all tropical plants into larger pots and fresh soil.