Heliamphora angasima

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This species has cylindrical pitchers with very little neck on the spoon. Plant grows very slowly, approximately one pitcher every 6 weeks. Discoloration is normal with older pitchers. FOR THE EXPERIENCED GROWER.

Type of Plant: Tropical pitcher plant for windowsill growing.
Native Habitat: Flat mountain tops of Venezuela.
Adult Pitcher Height: Up to XX inches.
Sunlight: Partial to full sun, but mild temperatures.
Water: Low-mineral water (50 ppm or less).  Allow water to drain through.
Soil: Equal parts dried sphagnum moss and perlite.  No garden soil, compost, or fertilizer.
Temperatures: Mild day temperatures.  Avoid excessive heat and scorching sunlight.  Nighttime temperature of 50°-65°F is recommended.  Always protect from frost. Best for the experienced grower.

• Established division of select mother plants.
• Acclimated for windowsill growing.
• Shipped in a 4-inch pot.

The first photo is descriptive of the mother plant in our collection.

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