Q/A #138 - Venus Flytraps in San Diego

July 30, 2023

Q/A #138 - Venus Flytraps in San Diego

QUESTION: I live in San Diego (USDA zone 10) and growing some Venus Flytraps. If my plants are in a greenhouse, is it still considered “Full Sun” (based on your pdf)? I also winterized my previous …

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Q/A #98 - Growing a Flytrap in Montana

June 11, 2023

Q/A #98 - Growing a Flytrap in Montana

QUESTION: I live in Montana. My flytrap is doing really well since I got it in April. It lost two traps and has grown an even larger one with a new trap on the way. My question is I use a white li …

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Q/A #53 - Is My Dormant Sundew Alive?

March 17, 2023

Q/A #53 - Is My Dormant Sundew Alive?

QUESTION: I have Drosera filiformis. It's dormant now but can hibernacula be black or not? Not sure if it's alive. (Submitted in March 2019.) RESPONSE BY JACOB FARIN: When hardy sundews …

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Q/A #40 - Flytrap Blooming in Winter(!)

February 23, 2023

Q/A #40 - Flytrap Blooming in Winter(!)

QUESTION: I received my Venus Flytrap back in November. I’ve been loving growing it, and it’s been fun watching the traps grow and open. I recently noticed that my plant is growing a flower bud. …

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