Q/A #98 - Growing a Flytrap in Montana

June 11, 2023

Q/A #98 - Growing a Flytrap in Montana

QUESTION: I live in Montana. My flytrap is doing really well since I got it in April. It lost two traps and has grown an even larger one with a new trap on the way. My question is I use a white li …

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Q/A #80 - Red Dragon Flytrap Dried Out

May 1, 2023

Q/A #80 - Red Dragon Flytrap Dried Out

QUESTION: I have had the plant about 1 month I put it outside on the deck. This gets full sun. Shade the last couple hours of the day. I kept it in the same container it was shipped in and didn’t …

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Q/A #51 - Moving Plants to Outside

March 14, 2023

Q/A #51 - Moving Plants to Outside

QUESTION: When should i introduce my plants to the outdoors? I live in northern Indiana, and I have a Drosera capensis, Sarracenia flava, and a Venus Flytrap. In the summer we get temperatur …

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Q/A #19 - No Pitchers on a Large Nepenthes

January 17, 2023

Q/A #19 - No Pitchers on a Large Nepenthes

QUESTION: At a previous home, I had gorgeous Nepenthes in a greenhouse. I moved and now have it in a south-facing bay window, 65°F (18°C) with a humidifier. They have curling tendrils but no …

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