Q/A #111 - Sarracenia with Curvy Pitchers

June 21, 2023

Q/A #111 - Sarracenia with Curvy Pitchers

QUESTION: I have a bad history of killing things (except my husband) and I'm loving keeping the two Sarracenia I got from you alive! The White Sparkler I recently received last month is farth …

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Q/A #80 - Red Dragon Flytrap Dried Out

May 1, 2023

Q/A #80 - Red Dragon Flytrap Dried Out

QUESTION: I have had the plant about 1 month I put it outside on the deck. This gets full sun. Shade the last couple hours of the day. I kept it in the same container it was shipped in and didn’t …

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Q/A #79 - Outdoor Plants Not Waking Up.

May 1, 2023

Q/A #79 - Outdoor Plants Not Waking Up.

QUESTION:I recently purchased a Drosera intermedia, D. tracyi, and Sarracenia purpurea x minor. My tracyi has been growing extremely well and fast, but the other two (especially the intermedia) is …

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Q/A #75 - Ants in Plants!

April 27, 2023

Q/A #75 - Ants in Plants!

QUESTION:I was trimming off last year's dead pitchers on my Sarracenia and noticed small black ants on the plants. They appear to be living IN the plant pots. Several came out of the peat when the …

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Q/A #65 - No New Growth on My Sarracenia

April 6, 2023

Q/A #65 - No New Growth on My Sarracenia

QUESTION: I got a Sarracenia alata from you a year ago, and it grew beautifully and caught lots of bugs. So, this past winter I clipped the old pitchers off as suggested in your monthly care vi …

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