August 8, 2023
Are these Sarracenia salvageable? I'm not exactly sure if it was snails, slugs or caterpillars but it completely ate the crown and bore into the rhizome creating a little "den". If I cle
August 4, 2023
Q/A #144 - Brown Edges on Sarracenia
I hope that you will tell me that this is normal and not a result of sunburn from the heat we have had in the past. To me, Sarracenia Barry was a show stopper this year. Bought him
August 3, 2023
Q/A #143 - Brown Spots on Sarracenia Pitchers
I just purchased this Sarracenia in July, and have noticed these brown spots forming on some of the sides of the pitchers. Is this from pests or disease, and what should I do? Thanks
August 2, 2023
Q/A #142 - Sarracenia Roots Growing Out of the Pot
I ordered the plant and the plant arrived on June 23. the plant is in a 1 inch watertray. The plants roots are starting to stick out of the bottom of the pot. Do I need to repot the plan
July 31, 2023
Q/A #139 - No Sarracenia Pitchers for 3 Years
I've grown this for about 3 years. It went into dormancy this winter. It is in 50/50 soil mix of peat and perlite. Been outside for over a month with distilled water in a 3-inch saucer b
July 29, 2023
Q/A #137 - Wind Blowing over Sarracenia
Do you have issues with your sarracenia’s blowing over from wind? Anything I can do to keep the plant upright?
(Submitted in July 2022.)
July 26, 2023
Q/A #134 - Can I Divide Sarracenia in Summer?
Can I trim and divide my Sarracenia rubra? It’s getting very large and has spindly pitchers. I know early spring is preferred but it’s getting very crowded. Maybe just a major trim until
July 18, 2023
Q/A #126 - Sarracenia purpurea Has Brown Spots
Last September I've bought a
Sarracenia purpurea venosa which was in what you call death cube and in a 2 inch pot (5.5 cm). I've kept it in that pot until spring (I've removed the cov
July 17, 2023
Q/A #125 - Damage on Sarracenia
My Sarracenia Godzuki is not looking healthy. He has developed brown spots and has a large hole in one of his pitchers. I transplanted about four weeks ago; I used sphagnum peat moss a
July 16, 2023
Q/A 124 - Sudden Die Off of Sarracenia
I've had an issue recently with a sudden collapse of Sarracenia pitchers and the crown dying. I'm growing Sarracenia flava, S. rubra jonesii, and S. rubra alabamensis, and I live in East
June 30, 2023
Q/A #123 - Do Sarracenia Capture Bees?
While I wait for my order, I've been reading your digital download about caring for these plants. I can't remember where I read it but it listed yellow jackets as one of the bugs t
June 30, 2023
Q/A #122 - Sarracenia Barry is Pitcherless in Florida
I bought Sarracenia Barry in March of this year. It arrived in good condition with 2 pitchers. My problem is that no new pitchers have developed since I received the plant. I live in Cen
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