Q/A #125 - Damage on Sarracenia

July 17, 2023

Q/A #125 - Damage on Sarracenia

QUESTION: My Sarracenia Godzuki is not looking healthy. He has developed brown spots and has a large hole in one of his pitchers. I transplanted about four weeks ago; I used sphagnum peat moss a …

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Q/A #115 - Thrips on Sarracenia

June 23, 2023

Q/A #115 - Thrips on Sarracenia

QUESTION: This is a Sarracenia Extreme Green I got from you a little over a month ago. I don’t think this is your fault. Just an example. I have quite a few other Sarracenia in my collection that …

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Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

June 16, 2023

Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

QUESTION: I received my Nepenthes Deroose Alata six months ago. It was very healthy and had pitchers on it. It did very well till a few weeks ago. The growth slowed way down and the new leaves, th …

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Q/A #105 - Warped Leaves on Sarracenia

June 14, 2023

Q/A #105 - Warped Leaves on Sarracenia

QUESTION: Judith Hindle has warped leaves and other traps have no water. Haven’t been fed in over a month. Need advice. (Submitted in June 2021.) RESPONSE BY JEFF DALLAS: This looks …

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Q/A #95 - Sarracenia with Bendy Pitchers

June 11, 2023

Q/A #95 - Sarracenia with Bendy Pitchers

QUESTION: Would you be able to advise me on what could be causing my Sarracenia flava pots to be putting on poor bendy growth right now. The two pots in the picture are exactly the same Sarrace …

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Q/A #75 - Ants in Plants!

April 27, 2023

Q/A #75 - Ants in Plants!

QUESTION:I was trimming off last year's dead pitchers on my Sarracenia and noticed small black ants on the plants. They appear to be living IN the plant pots. Several came out of the peat when the …

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Q/A #72 - Aphids on a Cape Sundew

April 12, 2023

Q/A #72 - Aphids on a Cape Sundew

QUESTION: I'm not sure what this is on my Cape sundew. Possibly aphids? I watched your video on safe insecticides for some insight. I sprayed it with orthene. It doesn't seem to be hurting the p …

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Q/A #30 - Aphids on Drosera capensis

February 7, 2023

Q/A #30 - Aphids on Drosera capensis

QUESTION: I did have a lot of Drosera capensis, but the aphids have been killing them. I have tried rubbing alcohol mix and also the neem oil mix, but it seems they keep coming bac …

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