August 7, 2023
My Nepenthes isn’t growing pitchers.. it looks like it has three different buds that want to grow but haven’t changed in weeks. I have it in a terrarium for humidity because I live in A
July 31, 2023
Q/A #139 - No Sarracenia Pitchers for 3 Years
I've grown this for about 3 years. It went into dormancy this winter. It is in 50/50 soil mix of peat and perlite. Been outside for over a month with distilled water in a 3-inch saucer b
June 16, 2023
Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves
I received my Nepenthes Deroose Alata six months ago. It was very healthy and had pitchers on it. It did very well till a few weeks ago. The growth slowed way down and the new leaves, th
May 1, 2023
Q/A #79 - Outdoor Plants Not Waking Up.
QUESTION:I recently purchased a Drosera intermedia, D. tracyi, and Sarracenia purpurea x minor. My tracyi has been growing extremely well and fast, but the other two (especially the intermedia) is
April 11, 2023
Q/A #71 - Nepenthes Aren't Producing Pitchers
I included a few pictures of some Nepenthes that are all growing very well, but not pitchering. The first is a Nepenthes ventrata that is growing next to a Miranda. The Miranda is doing
April 9, 2023
Q/A #68 - No Pitchers on Nepenthes Despite Misting
I have a Nepenthes, but I don't know what Nepenthes it actually is. During the wintertime, all pitchers died and the plant was resting. Here in Finland we have very long, dark and cold
April 8, 2023
Q/A #67 - Nepenthes Stem Looks Rotted and Black
I am having a pitcher plant emergency. I am worried it will die please help. The plant seems okays still green but the base of the plant looks like it is rotted and black which makes it
April 6, 2023
Q/A #65 - No New Growth on My Sarracenia
I got a Sarracenia alata from you a year ago, and it grew beautifully and caught lots of bugs. So, this past winter I clipped the old pitchers off as suggested in your monthly care vi
April 2, 2023
Q/A #62 - Sarracenia Isn't Breaking Dormancy
I ordered a Sarracenia alata x minor from you about a month ago. Attached is a photo taken a couple weeks ago but as of today nothing much has really changed. The other photo is one tak
March 28, 2023
Q/A - #59 - No Pitchers on Etiolated Nepenthes
I've got a Nepenthes aristolochioides x glabrata hybrid which has become etiolated -- weak elongated vine (when compared to pictures on your site) -- and not put out any new pitchers in
February 14, 2023
Q/A #34 - Nepenthes albomarginata Not Pitchering
I received my Nepenthes albomarginata, Black in mid February, and since then it's grown one vine about a foot long. In that time, it's never made any pitchers, but now it looks lik
January 25, 2023
Q/A #25 - Sarracenia with No Pitchers
I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of pitcher plant this is. Also it has just been leaves, no pitchers for a year now.....what's wrong with it??
(Submitted in January 2019
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