Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

June 16, 2023

Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

QUESTION: I received my Nepenthes Deroose Alata six months ago. It was very healthy and had pitchers on it. It did very well till a few weeks ago. The growth slowed way down and the new leaves, th …

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Q/A #79 - Outdoor Plants Not Waking Up.

May 1, 2023

Q/A #79 - Outdoor Plants Not Waking Up.

QUESTION:I recently purchased a Drosera intermedia, D. tracyi, and Sarracenia purpurea x minor. My tracyi has been growing extremely well and fast, but the other two (especially the intermedia) is …

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Q/A #65 - No New Growth on My Sarracenia

April 6, 2023

Q/A #65 - No New Growth on My Sarracenia

QUESTION: I got a Sarracenia alata from you a year ago, and it grew beautifully and caught lots of bugs. So, this past winter I clipped the old pitchers off as suggested in your monthly care vi …

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Q/A #25 - Sarracenia with No Pitchers

January 25, 2023

Q/A #25 - Sarracenia with No Pitchers

QUESTION: I was wondering if you could tell me what kind of pitcher plant this is. Also it has just been leaves, no pitchers for a year now.....what's wrong with it?? (Submitted in January 2019 …

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