Q/A #88 - Is my Cape Sundew Dying?

May 15, 2023

Q/A #88 - Is my Cape Sundew Dying?

QUESTION:I recently got a Drosera capensis albino (from another nursery), and it caught a LOT of small flies, and then proceeded to flower: However recently after flowering, a lot of the …

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Q/A #36 - No Dew on Tropical Sundews

February 16, 2023

Q/A #36 - No Dew on Tropical Sundews

QUESTION: I was wondering if you guys can help me figure out what I going on with my sundews. Their tentacles seem to dry up, fall down, then the leaf goes either brown (Drosera spatulata), black …

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Q/A #35 - Cape Sundew Is Dewless

February 15, 2023

Q/A #35 - Cape Sundew Is Dewless

QUESTION: I purchased this Drosera capensis from Sarracenia Northwest six months ago. I live in Central Florida, and my Drosera sits inside on a windowsill. After I received the plant, I repott …

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