Q/A #145 - A Fungus Among Us Nepenthes

August 5, 2023

Q/A #145 - A Fungus Among Us Nepenthes

QUESTION: I have a Nepenthes ventricosa with a mushroom growing in the soil. I've had a particularly dry few weeks in my house, so I've been watering my plants a little more often than usual. I re …

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Q/A #131 - Nepenthes Seems to Be Dying

July 23, 2023

Q/A #131 - Nepenthes Seems to Be Dying

QUESTION: I’ve had this Nepenthes Gaya for just a few months. I repotted it into a mix of peat moss and perlite, equal parts. It was doing really well until about a week ago. It seems to be dying …

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Q/A #114 - Terracotta Pot for Nepenthes?

June 22, 2023

Q/A #114 - Terracotta Pot for Nepenthes?

QUESTION: I have a Nepenthes pitcher plant given to me as a gift. I am wanting to replant but looking for a economical solution. I was looking at terra-cotta. Would you advise this? I also coul …

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Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

June 16, 2023

Q/A #109 - Nepenthes with Misshapen Leaves

QUESTION: I received my Nepenthes Deroose Alata six months ago. It was very healthy and had pitchers on it. It did very well till a few weeks ago. The growth slowed way down and the new leaves, th …

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Q/A #101 - Nepenthes Is Getting Too Long

June 12, 2023

Q/A #101 - Nepenthes Is Getting Too Long

QUESTION: In my collection of carnivorous plants that I have purchased from your site, I have been having difficulties growing my Nepenthes Velvet that I purchased in August. For starters, as you …

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Q/A #99 - Mist Your Nepenthes Tendrils?

June 11, 2023

Q/A #99 - Mist Your Nepenthes Tendrils?

QUESTION: I saw on one Youtube Video that recommended growers to spray the tendrils of Nepenthes with distilled water to prevent the tendrils from drying out and to produce more traps. Is this tru …

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Q/A #97 - Nepenthes Leaves Getting Smaller?

June 11, 2023

Q/A #97 - Nepenthes Leaves Getting Smaller?

QUESTION: I've had a Nepenthes sanguinea for about 8 months. My plant is growing in an east facing window with about 2 hours of direct sun and the rest of the day bright filtered light. A mix of s …

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