June 30, 2023
While I wait for my order, I've been reading your digital download about caring for these plants. I can't remember where I read it but it listed yellow jackets as one of the bugs t
June 30, 2023
Q/A #122 - Sarracenia Barry is Pitcherless in Florida
I bought Sarracenia Barry in March of this year. It arrived in good condition with 2 pitchers. My problem is that no new pitchers have developed since I received the plant. I live in Cen
June 30, 2023
Q/A #121 - Sarracenia Are Turning Brown
Could you look at these pictures and tell me what I’m doing wrong? They grow tall and skinny, they fall over, and the tips turn brown. I keep them wet and they get eight hours of sun. I’
June 28, 2023
Q/A #120 - Will Dog Pee Kill My Plants?
My male dog has started peeIng on my carnivorous plants. Will it kill them?
(Submitted in June 2020.)
Yes. Urine has nitrogen and minerals that wil
June 28, 2023
Q/A #119 - Large Nepenthes Stopped Producing Pitchers
I am in Chinatown NYC with a large bank of eastern facing windows and many mirrors. I have had a Nepenthes for the past 5 years! I think it's N. maxima or maybe a hybrid.
It has a
June 27, 2023
Q/A #118 - Is Chlorine Toxic to Carnivorous Plants?
I would just like to know with chlorine and chloramines are toxic to plants, I have a reverse-osmosis and deionizer system that removes all impurities except for those two.
June 27, 2023
Q/A #117 - Pinguicula laueana Didn't Like the Hot Window
Six or seven months ago, I bought 3 different butterworts from you: Pinguicula laueana, Aphrodite, and P. gigantea x laueana. The Aphrodite, and gigantea x laueana are doing great. But
June 23, 2023
Q/A #116 - Novelty Planters
I’m looking to grow a Venus fly trap. I have bought two different planters. I’m curious if I can use distilled water and grow traps in either of these. Would you recommend using one of t
June 23, 2023
Q/A #115 - Thrips on Sarracenia
This is a Sarracenia Extreme Green I got from you a little over a month ago. I don’t think this is your fault. Just an example. I have quite a few other Sarracenia in my collection that
June 22, 2023
Q/A #114 - Terracotta Pot for Nepenthes?
I have a Nepenthes pitcher plant given to me as a gift. I am wanting to replant but looking for a economical solution. I was looking at terra-cotta. Would you advise this? I also coul
June 22, 2023
Q/A #113 - Sarracenia Didn't Survive Winter in Nebraska
Last year I had to buy all new plants because my plants from the previous year died over winter. Did they die again? Do any of them appear to be alive?
I'm in Nebraska. We had a slo
June 21, 2023
Q/A #112 - Unknown plant with Sarracenia
I so much enjoyed your Open House last year and am disappointed that it’s not possible to attend again this year. The plants I bought last year (Sarracenia Judith Hindle, Sarracenia App
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