Q/A #114 - Terracotta Pot for Nepenthes?

June 22, 2023

Q/A #114 - Terracotta Pot for Nepenthes?

I have a Nepenthes pitcher plant given to me as a gift. I am wanting to replant but looking for a economical solution. I was looking at terra-cotta. Would you advise this? I also could use a spray water sealer and am wanting to use a colored spray paint on the outside. Can you help me with advice? I am new to all of this.
(Submitted in June 2020.)


With just a couple exceptions, we don't recommend unglazed terracotta pots simply because they dry out too fast from evaporation from the sides of the pots. Not sure about the sealer. That may work as long as it hardens and doesn't leach anything into the soil. Your best bet is always going to be plastic or glazed ceramic for carnivorous plants. For general care on your Nepenthes, read our care guide.

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